Largest Farmers in Wisconsin

Why did we include Farmer’s in our lists? Financial advisors wisest choice for clients-In 2009 Jim Rogers made the following quote about Farmer's ! “For decades the money shufflers, the paper shufflers, have been the captains of the universe. That is now changing. The people who produce real things [will be on top]. You’re going to see stockbrokers driving taxis. The smart ones will learn to drive tractors, because they’ll be working for the farmers. It’s going to be the 29-year-old farmers who have the Lamborghinis. So you should find yourself a nice farmer and hook up with him or her, because that’s where the money’s going to be in the next couple of decades.) 400 manually compiled 2011 by largest state subsidy amount Name/Address/Phone $497 or $1.50 per lead.

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Price: $497.00