Business Lists
Note: Custom Order minimum amount is $300.
Registered Secondary Market Investors
UHNW Private Banking Clients
Clients-($497-VERY CHEAP for this exclusive list!) has 1147 Private Banking Clients. The average net worth on this list exceeds $100 Million, over half the records include private email addresses, some private cell phone numbers, listing of net worth, liquid net worth, and 80% are Florida residents. I will only sell 3 copies of this list PER MONTH! It is a fund raisers dream prospecting lead list.
Accredited Seniors – Income of $200k-500K
All information includes name/address/email/phone/income and has home ownership/value information. 2875 unique records with Income of $200k-500K ($447). This data is from 2009 and is priced to sell “as is” but we will replace bad data with comparable lists or 2 for 1 $100k-200K income listed seniors.
Accredited Seniors – Income of $500K Plus
All information includes name/address/email/phone/income and has home ownership/value information.2000 unique records with $500K plus income ($497). This data is from 2009 and is priced to sell “as is” but we will replace bad data with comparable lists or 2 for 1 $100k-200K income listed seniors.
Accredited Seniors – Both Lists
All information includes name/address/email/phone/income and has home ownership/value information. 2875 unique records with Income of $200k-500K ($447) 2000 unique records with $500K plus income ($497). Both lists 4875 leads ($697) This data is from 2009 and is priced to sell “as is” but we will replace bad data with comparable lists or 2 for 1 $100k-200K income listed seniors.
Global Family Offices – 2,900 FO’s and Wealth Management Firms
$997 includes 2,900 unique worldwide Family Office records
European Executives/Investor List
150,000 records of various European Executives including emails/name/phone numbers and some titles. Please email us for a price quote and let us know your budget range to start(we can go as low as 5 cents per record for the entire list). If you purchase 100,000 or more we will send one free email to the list on your behalf. We are open to selling the list and/or "renting" it and sending your email campaign for you multiple times (but you do not own the data).
International CEO/Investor Email List
CEO’s – 900,000 List
Hoovers-esque 2009-2010 High Income Execs
Largest Farmers in Wisconsin
Why did we include Farmer’s in our lists? Financial advisors wisest choice for clients-In 2009 Jim Rogers made the following quote about Farmer's ! “For decades the money shufflers, the paper shufflers, have been the captains of the universe. That is now changing. The people who produce real things [will be on top]. You’re going to see stockbrokers driving taxis. The smart ones will learn to drive tractors, because they’ll be working for the farmers. It’s going to be the 29-year-old farmers who have the Lamborghinis. So you should find yourself a nice farmer and hook up with him or her, because that’s where the money’s going to be in the next couple of decades.) 400 manually compiled 2011 by largest state subsidy amount Name/Address/Phone $497 or $1.50 per lead.
For 50 cents per record, please click here.
Hedge Fund Managers – 2,000 HF Managers
2000 HF Managers contains the hedge fund firm name, primary contact name, physical location, AUM, phone number, fax, and email address as well (collectively control over $1 Trillion in Assets).
Hedge Fund Managers – 1,000 HF Managers
1,000 HF Managers contains the hedge fund firm name, primary contact name, physical location, AUM, phone number, fax, and email address as well (collectively control over $1 Trillion in Assets).
10k RIA’s
RIA’s are the most under served and untapped pocket of available capital in the investment community! If you market your products or services to Family Offices, do not neglect the RIA market. We specialize in very accurate RIA lists that you can own and save money! Buy 1-10,000 RIA's, visit our sister site RIA Lists
- Include Company name/address/AUM/contact name/position/phone/email/website
- These lists were manually compiled and are less than 60 days old.
-1,000 Contacts with AUM $1-10MM
-1,000 Contacts with AUM $10-50MM
-1,000 Contacts with AUM $50-100MM
-1,000 Contacts with AUM $100-250MM
-2,000 Contacts with AUM $250-$500MM
-1,000 Contacts with AUM $500M-$1 Billion
-3,000 Contacts with AUM over $1 Billion
California RIA Lists Without Emails
RIA’s are the most under served and untapped pocket of available capital in the investment community! If you market your products or services to Family Offices, do not neglect the RIA market. We specialize in very accurate RIA lists that you can own and save money!
- Includes: Firm Name/address/Phone/Fax/Website/AUM/# of Associates
- 11,523 Contacts ($497) we throw in the CA email only list for free! (493 separate RIA emails)
493 California RIA’s emails
RIA’s are the most under served and untapped pocket of available capital in the investment community! If you market your products or services to Family Offices, do not neglect the RIA market. We specialize in very accurate RIA lists that you can own and save money!
Emerging Manager/Seed Hedge Fund Investors
600 Contacts ($347) Investor, contact person, phone, email, address, country, AUM, category, and website. Includes the following categories: U.S. Fund of Funds, Non-U.S. FOF, Consultants, Private Banks, Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Insurance, Wealth Advisors, Asset Manager, Family Offices, Endowment Plans.
Long/Short Hedge Fund Investors
950 Contacts ($397) Investor, contact person, phone, email, address, country, AUM, category , and website. Includes the following categories: U.S. Fund of Funds, Non-U.S. FOF, Consultants, Private Banks, Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Insurance, Wealth Advisors, Asset Manager, Family Offices, Endowment Plans.
Fund of Funds – U.S. and Non U.S.
Investor, contact person, phone, email, address, country, AUM, category , and website. 500 U.S based ($447)/600 Non U.S. ($547) or buy both 1,150 total ($847).
Fund of Funds – U.S.
Investor, contact person, phone, email, address, country, AUM, category , and website. 500 U.S based ($447).
Fund of Funds – Non U.S.
Investor, contact person, phone, email, address, country, AUM, category , and website. 600 Non U.S.
Premium IR Investment Conference Attendees List
($1297) 4855 All information of investors that attended at least one investment conference includes(name/company/address/phone/email/contact type (analyst/individual investor/accredited investor/fund manager/broker etc) conference attended-Premium list.
Premium Investor Relations Firm Email List
67,500 emails categories are geographic investment conference attendees (PHX/TX/NYNJCT/SF/NY/LA/CHI/BOCA/ATL/MA/CA), Global, World, OilandGas, Brokers. Broad based Investor profiles perfect for IR campaigns… will get results!
For 50 cents per record, please email us.
Premium Investor Relations Firm List
6300 records $597 or 15 cents per lead, includes email address, company, contact name, address (no phone numbers) from 2015.
IML Proprietary IR List
Over 5% open rates for any investment offer is standard. These are our own premiere email lists that are accurate and effective. In fact, we can send the email campaigns for you at a full service charge of $40-60 CPM(per thousand) depending on your campaign type. Or, we can sell you our proprietary leads for 40 cents per record (name/email/etc) limit 10,000 to start.
40 cents per lead. Enter your quantity.
IML Proprietary Stock Buyers Email List
Over 5% open rates for any IR campaign is standard. These are our own premiere email lists that are accurate and effective. In fact, we can send the email campaigns for you at a full service charge of $40-60 CPM(per thousand) depending on your campaign type. Or, we can sell you our proprietary leads for 40 cents per record (name/email/etc) limit 10,000 to start.
40 cents per lead. Enter your quantity.
Independent Broker Dealer Reps
1823 email only $347. 2010 lists of brokers with Independent broker/dealers, great lists for any capital raising or financial product awareness campaign.
Independent Broker Dealer Reps – All but email
5438 all but email $547. 2010 lists of brokers with Independent broker/dealers, great lists for any capital raising or financial product awareness campaign.
Top 300 Variable Annuity Producers at ING
Name/Phone/Fax/Address-no emails. Independent advisors that sell variable annuities and produce business!
Top 150 Mutual Fund Producers at ING
Name/Phone/Fax/Address-no emails. Independent Advisors that sell mutual funds and produce business!
Financial Advisors Emails
$7500 all 200,000 emails or 5 cents per email. This is a very broad list covering everything from large producing wire house brokers, regional firm reps, insurance agents, independent firm brokers, and financial planners. We’ve priced this list cheap to be able to cast a wide net even if you have a specific purpose! $7500.
IR Firm Broker Emails
2645 emails of all type of brokers that buy stocks -$397 or 20 cents per email.
Chicago Investment Firm Contacts
2860 contacts ranging from Private Equity Firm Partners, Hedge Fund Managers, Portfolio Managers, Quants, Analysts, VP’s, Associates, all in Chicago name/title/firm’s investment objective/email/phone.
Forex Investors
819 manually compiled 2011 Unique Farmer’s with Email! Farm/name/address/phone. Why did we include farmers? Financial advisors wisest choice for clients - In 2009 Jim Rogers made the following quote about Farmer's ! “For decades the money shufflers, the paper shufflers, have been the captains of the universe. That is now changing. The people who produce real things [will be on top]. You’re going to see stockbrokers driving taxis. The smart ones will learn to drive tractors, because they’ll be working for the farmers. It’s going to be the 29-year-old farmers who have the Lamborghinis. So you should find yourself a nice farmer and hook up with him or her, because that’s where the money’s going to be in the next couple of decades) $597 all or $1 per lead.
Hoovers-esque List 2009
$2497 entire list! or 5 cents per lead for custom list($500 minimum order) 1 Million Unique Records include sales info/employees/title/industry/email/
phone/address/tons of info examples of titles include: (President’s/120k, Owners/135k, Principals/35k, Exec Directors/9k, CEO’s/20k, Chairman/6k, Doctors/14k, CFO/6k, COO 2k, Director/25k, EVP/3k, Partner/23k, Principal/35k).
100K Good Emails Corporate Database Subscribers
London Businesses
Yacht Owners 2015
$797 per 100,000 can be broken down by state. 1 million unique Yachting magazine subscribers name/address/email no phone. Unique way to prospect people that have enough dough to own a yacht!
Online Stock Buyers
$327 entire list or 5 cents per lead. Subscribers 8921 unique records email/name/address/phone 2015. We have several hundered thousand that are less than 3 months old please
email us
Penny Stock Buyers
Online Discount Brokerage Account Holders
Online Brokerage Account Holders
Insurance Agents
Online Market Watch Website Subscribers
Investment Publication Subscribers
Investment Publication Subscribers
Regional Brokerage Firm Clients
62,000 online stock investors
Certified Financial Planners
$1297 whole list or 3 cents per records 135,000 records includes email/name/address/company name/licenses held (CFP/Series 7/Etc).
Premium Accredited Investors
As of the 2nd quarter 2015, we have 10,000 ultra-premium accredited investor leads for sale. These records include Name/Email/Phone/Mailing Address (although approximately 2,000 do not have mailing addresses). This is a high caliber list. All are private placement investors active in the past 6 months. These investors registered online for specific private placements and acknowledged a $100,000 minimum investment is not an issue. There are qualified investors (approximately 10%) in the list as well that have the ability to write checks for $5 Million and up.
Our company is owned by Phenom Ventures LLC, whose Founder has raised money from and marketed to Accredited Investors for nearly 20 years. Many lead brokers have never raised a dime in capital but we know the difference between quality data and garbage. Top tier accredited investor lists are not easy to find but we know how to find accredited investors. Whether you are focused on private placement investors, hedge fund investors, or crowdfunding leads, our up to date list of premium accredited investors will produce results.
"Eric & his team at Phenom Ventures have become a trusted partner of ours" -Michael Smith, President,
We have more than 75,000 current accredited investor leads but these 10,000 are our best of breed. You can test us out at the level you are comfortable with then circle back after deploying your marketing campaign. We offer a very modest 500 lead minimum order for less than $1 per active accredited investor. Or, pay only half that amount when you purchase 10,000! Buy now:
$1 per lead with a $500 minimum
500 leads -$500
5,000 leads $3997 ($1,000 off!)
Custom orders/amounts please email us. We can break down by state or international for $2 per lead with a $600 minimum order(3 criteria minimum to ensure enough data can be pulled)
Forex Investor Email List
US Based Firms List
Seed Stage/Startup/Early Stage Investment Firm Lists(anyone starting a business or not yet at a mature revenue stage wants to focus on these 2 lists, as well as, the Angel Investor Groups List above):
3500 Contacts includes name of contact/title/personal email address/address/phone number/fax number/general email address/website all seed/early/startup stage investors.
Global Based Firms who invest in US companies
Seed Stage/Startup/Early Stage Investment Firm Lists(anyone starting a business or not yet at a mature revenue stage wants to focus on these 2 lists, as well as, the Angel Investor Groups List above):
4300 Contacts includes name of contact/title/personal email address/address/phone number/fax number/general email address/website all seed/early/startup stage investors
All Stages Global Private Equity/Venture Capital Firm Lists
20,000 Contacts includes name of contact/title/personal email address/address/phone number/fax number/general email address/website of firms involved in all stages of private investment this list spans the entire spectrum on a global level.
Financial Advisor Master File (325,000 records)
We custom built this list for Forbes in August 2012 and it is of the highest quality! The data includes all contact information possible including Name/CRD #/Firm/Address/EMAILS/Phone/AUM when possible/Licenses held and many more fields of information. This list runs the gamut of FA's including Wirehouse, Independent, Regional, Boutique, and other reps.
We are able to carve out custom list to include any of the above and sell data for email campaigns with just name/email for less than the master information. Custom orders start at $500 so just email us with your request/needs and we can give you a swift quote. We will only sell the entire file to 2 unrelated businesses through the end of the year(no resale clause).
**We have the ability to send your email message to the entire list as a package or just on a "rental" basis.
Email for more information
Hedge Fund Investor Email List
3,000 emails only! This is a mixture of accredited individuals and qualified purchasers that are active hedge fund investors. This is a potentially very valuable list if you are an alternative investment manager and/or raising capital in a compelling capacity.
Choose from 1,000 Hedge Fund Accredited Investors for $1,297 or 3,000 Hedge Fund Accredited Investors (1,000 free)for $2,497: